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So, Jess and I are watching TV the other night. On comes a commercial for some diet program; I think it was Weight Watchers (for men). One of the actors giving a testimonial made the following quote:

My wife says I'm not as disgusting as I used to be.

How frigged up is that? This guy is with a woman who says he's disgusting. Married to her, even.

On Relationships

I'm going to back up a bit, and mention a couple things about relationships. Foremost is my view of what constitutes a healthy relationship has completely changed over the past couple years. I had buried myself in a marriage which was bad. Very bad. But, I thought I was doing the right thing, so I kept it up.

The Ex and I had done some pretty crappy things to each other. Yet, for some reason we remained married. I sometimes think it was because we were content making each other miserable. Sometimes I think we honestly wanted to make it work. Things as the are (were?), it finally became clear to me that it couldn't go on. In essence, I was in a marriage that was burdened with much the same attitude.

I heard a report on the radio, where this guy was talking about relationships. The thing he noted about happy, long-term relationships was the people involved believed they were with their ideal partner. In short attitude played a major role in the longevity and the happiness of the relationship.

On Attitudes

I never really understood the importance of attitudes. Even as many of mine were limiting my success in love, life, etc. A few years ago, I worked for a man in his sixties. He used to speak of attitudes, and how they affected life. It was from him (along with my being a bit older) that I learned how important they can be.

This man used to speak of his grandmother. How she would berate him, or just plain smack him, if he spoke of something poorly. She would say something akin to, "If you say it, you think it. If you think it, you make it so." The point she was trying to teach him was his attitudes were responsible for how things turned out.

Yeah? So?

So, where I'm going with this is kinda simple. How one approaches things is often critical in how they turn out. And, if you're with someone who thinks you're disgusting, it kinda speaks for itself. If they think you are disgusting, how can they think anything good about the relationship? Which means the relationship probably isn't going to work.

At the very least, with life being so short, how can you burden yourself with such a poor thing?

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About me

  • I'm Christopher
  • From Fairport, NY, United States
  • I am an old-style computer geek. My first bit of code was "Hello, World!" written in Basic on a TRS-80 (Trash-80 ftw!). I have since persued an interest in computers both as a hobby and (more recently) a profession. My current position is that of a .NET Developer for Paychex of NY. I'm a bit of an evangelist when it comes to new technologies.
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