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A Decision

My father used to say that one of the things about being an adult was having to make decisions with no good choice. It wouldn't matter what choice you made, you'd have to live with the consequences and the regret. There's always a choice, it's just that none of the choices would be good.

Bastard. I always hated it, when he was right.

I'm at one of those crossroads in my life now. Because of my own stupidity, I am in a situation which has no real good outcome. No matter the path I take, people I care about will be negatively affected. Some, more than others.

There's an old saying I heard from an Armenian once: "A man isn't a man, until his father dies." How true that is. Because, my father passed away a few years ago, and I can't go to him for advice. So, I'm facing this decision alone. Sure, there are those around me who have given their two centavos, but it's still my choice.

Oddly enough, I've arrived at this juncture by doing the right thing. If I had been selfish early on, I wouldn't be here. Actually, if I had been selfish at any point over the past twenty years, I wouldn't be here. Each time I asked for guidance, I kept getting the same answer: stick it out; do what's right.

So, I'm not sure the choice I'm going to make. I think I am, but haven't completely decided. I hope, in the end, that everyone around me will understand the decision, and support it.


About me

  • I'm Christopher
  • From Fairport, NY, United States
  • I am an old-style computer geek. My first bit of code was "Hello, World!" written in Basic on a TRS-80 (Trash-80 ftw!). I have since persued an interest in computers both as a hobby and (more recently) a profession. My current position is that of a .NET Developer for Paychex of NY. I'm a bit of an evangelist when it comes to new technologies.
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