Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Routines are funny things. We settle into them all the time, often without realizing we have. We all have them, for all kinds of things. Perhaps it's the morning ritual. Or it's the drive to work, with a stop for a cup of coffee. Really, routines work their way into every part of our life. Some people change their routines quickly and easily. Others have a very difficult time changing their routines. For some, the routines they follow are a source of security.

It's funny, but I never considered myself one of those people; one of those that find security in their routines. I've always thought of myself as a spontaneous person; the person who would so something on a whim. Over the past few months, I've learned that is not the case. At least, not completely.

See, while there are certain things in my life I view as being transient, there are things which I truly rely upon. Aside from people or things, many are based upon my routines. This has become apparent to me, as I'm very much noticing when my routines change. Or, when the routines of those around me change.

I've recently invaded the domicile of my beloved, Jessica. I know this has been a traumatic event for her; partially by what she says, and more so by what she does not say. I know that my presence has changed many of her routines. But, I'm also realizing that it's changed many of mine. But, here's the thing. Moving in with her has changed some of our routines. The ones we practiced together, the ones we shared.

One routine that changed almost immediately is how much we talk. Prior to this past weekend, we would talk a lot. I mean a whole lot. I mean for hours on end. Now that I'm there more, it seems we're talking less. Don't get me wrong, a lot of things have been happening. Her family suffered a loss. There was the move itself. I'm behind on work. So, it's not like there haven't been things going on.

I just realized how much some of those routines have changed. She recently wrote about needing to recenter herself; to acclimate herself to the new life. What I had missed was that I have been trying to do the same. Trying to find my footing on this new ground. I'd noticed something off but wasn't really sure what it was, until just a bit ago. Our routines are changing.

So, why am I writing all this? I think it's because it's important to recognize when your routines change. Sometimes, you need to change your routines. Sometimes, they change due to the change in circumstances. When they do change, sometimes it's important to recognize it. That way, you know why you're feeling disoriented.

For me, now I do. It's just a matter of getting back on course with some of the routines in my life. Change is good. I'm very happy with the changes I've been making in my life. But, I've also altered some routines. That's made me a bit nervous. Yet, in retrospect, I've added some new (and very good) routines. So, it's a matter of fixing some routines, and learning some new ones.

Life is good.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A journal entry

Ok, ok. I know I'm supposed to be working right now. That's the bad thing about working with computers, I guess. The fact that diversion is just an alt-tab away. Still, I realized that I haven't posted in a while. Not that anyone reads this stuff... Anyway, there are a few thoughts I wanted to get out. Not sure where this will take me, but...

The Move

First, I've undertaken a major life change: I've moved in with Jess. As far as moves go, it went well, I guess. The weekend was a complete disaster. Or, I guess I shouldn't say it was a complete disaster. It just didn't go as smoothly as I'd hoped.

It's a pretty scary step for me. See, I just got out of a very bad relationship. When I say very bad, I mean very very bad. I won't say I was an angel, nor will I say my Ex was the devil. What I will say is that we were simply not meant to be together. In hindsight, it was obvious from the beginning. I just didn't see it.

It took a very long time for me to come to my senses, and stand up for myself. To decide that I should take life by the horns. Jess is completely amazing, and we get along famously. And that's the nature of the fear. I'm worried that living together will drive us apart. Or that we'll discover we don't get along as well as we should. They're silly fears, I know. After all, we practically lived together without realizing it a few months ago.

I guess it comes down to a fear of change. I'm the first that will tell you that change is inevitable. Time and tide, and all that stuff. But I am changing my life. I believe it to be for the better. I'm also changing the lives of those around me. Again, I believe for the better.

As they say, only time will tell. I think it's a Good Thing.


Work has been interesting of late. As many people will tell you, I'm a computer junkie. Well, now I'm in a real computer junkie job, and I'm loving it. Combined with my divorce, my relationship with Jess, and some other things, I'm in the first stages of forming a new life.

My one thought here is that I'm doing what I really love to do. The money really is secondary. I cannot stress enough to anyone reading this how important that concept is. If you are truly doing what you enjoy, the money will follow. Life is way too short to be spending it doing something you absolutely hate.

Oh Well

I guess that's about it for now. I have some more thoughts, but haven't really collected them yet.


About me

  • I'm Christopher
  • From Fairport, NY, United States
  • I am an old-style computer geek. My first bit of code was "Hello, World!" written in Basic on a TRS-80 (Trash-80 ftw!). I have since persued an interest in computers both as a hobby and (more recently) a profession. My current position is that of a .NET Developer for Paychex of NY. I'm a bit of an evangelist when it comes to new technologies.
My profile